First Time Visitor?

If this is your first time visiting at Mt. Hope Lutheran, we would love to meet you! Feel free to contact us if you have questions at (989) 348-5921.  


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What You Can Expect

Our worship service is on Sunday mornings at 11:00 and is about an hour long. We offer Communion each Sunday. If you haven’t communed with us before, please take some time to read our Communion Statement in each pew, and speak with an Elder or the Pastor beforehand. Our service is a liturgical service celebrating God's Word and Sacraments. We use a mix of modern and traditional songs which are printed in an easy to follow bulletin.


We invite everyone to "come as you are". Some people attend worship in T-shirts, shorts and jeans and others in ties, suits and dresses. We believe it doesn't matter to God how you come to worship but, that you come to worship.


When you come into our church, you will be greeted by some of our members and handed a bulletin. Feel free to ask them any questions you have and they will be happy to help you. When you are seated, please complete one of our Guest/Member cards especially if you would like us to pray for someone you know that needs God's help.


We have a "Cry Room" for parents of tiny ones where you are able to be a part of the worship service. We also have a nursery room for your convenience. We offer Activity Bags for small children with Christian story books, coloring books and crayons for busy little hands. These activity bags are located on a rack in the back of the Sanctuary. Just ask one of our members!


We have a "Visitor Center" located in our Narthex with our current monthly newsletter, Portals of Prayer (a daily devotion booklet) and other free publications for anyone. Help yourself!


We provide "Coffee Hour" after worship most Sundays. Feel free to stay and enjoy delicious homemade treats and fellowship with us. We would love to get to know you!


© 2025 Mount Hope Lutheran Church Mt Hope Grayling
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